
Plugins go in the plugins data directory, each plugin must have its own sub-directory and a plugin.json file that describes the plugin.

The plugin will be identified by the name of the directory it's in.


This file describes the plugin and its functionality.

It's a JSON file with the following keys:

Name Required Type Description
name string Name shown in the list of plugins. If omitted it will be the plugin id.
description string Longer description of what the plugin does.
version number Plugin version number, used to resolve multiple installations of the same plugin
engine Required string Script engine to use. (Currently must be python)
author string Name of the plugin author.
icon string See Icons
services Required array Array of services.


icon fields can use a file name relative to the plugin directory:

    "icon": "my_icon.svg"

If the field value starts with "theme:" it will load an icon from the icon theme:

    "icon": "theme:image-gif"

Theme icons follow the Freedesktop icon naming specs.

There are also several icons not in the specs available in the default theme, you can use this icon searcher to find them.


A service is defined ad a JSON object, which must have a type field and additional fields based on the service type.


Action services show an entry on the "Plugins" menu, and are triggered when the user clicks on one of the actions.

The service JSON object has the following fields:

Name Required Type Description
type Required string action
script Required object Script object to execute
label string Text shown in the menu
tooltip string Menu item tooltip
icon string See Icons

The script function will be invoked with these arguments:


Format services services add support for opening and saving to more file formats.

They will be visible in the open and save dialogs.

The service JSON object has the following fields:

Name Required Type Description
type Required string format
name string Text shown in the dialog
open object Script object to execute on open
save object Script object to execute on save
extensions Required array Array of file extensions (without the dot)
slug string Format identifier, defaults to the first value in extensions
auto_open bool If set to false, the file will not be opened before the plugin invocation

At least one between open and save must be present.

open and save will be invoked with the following arguments:


A plugin script is defined as a JSON object that provides information on how to run the plugin.

It has the following fields:

Name Required Type Description
module Required string Python module to load
function Required string Function within module to execute
settings object Settings object


Settings provide parameters to pass the invoked function. The user will be shown a dialog with all these settings before the script execution.

If you need more advanced control over the dialog, see the dialog example.

They are defined as a JSON array os settings objects:

Name Required Type Description
name Required string Name, will be used as dict keys for values
type Required string Setting type
label string Form label (defaults to the setting name)
description string Extra description
default (any) Default value for the setting
min number Minimum value (for int and float)
max number Maximum value (for int and float)
choices array Available choices (for choice)

Setting types


Example file structure:


The above plugin will have an ID of MyPlugin.


    "name": "Hello World Plugin",
    "description": "Shows a greeting",
    "author": "Glax",
    "engine": "python",
    "services": [
            "type": "action",
            "label": "Hello world",
            "tooltip": "Does nothing useful",
            "script": {
                "module": "hello_world",
                "function": "main",
                "settings": [
                        "name": "greeting",
                        "label": "Type a greeting:",
                        "type": "string",
                        "default": "Hello World"

def main(window, document, settings):