
Stable Releases

You can also see the list of previous releases.

Package Checksum Notes
Linux Appimage SHA1 Notes
Deb Package SHA1 Notes
Windows Zip SHA1 Notes
Mac DMG SHA1 Notes
Source Tarball SHA1 Notes

If you enjoy using Glaxnimate consider donating.

Package Managers

AUR Notes
Snap Notes
PyPI Notes
FreeBSD Notes
FlatPak Notes

Development Snapshots

These packages are built continuously as new changes are made. They contain all the latest features but might also include bugs and broken features.

Unless stated otherwise, packages provided here are for the x86_64 architecture.

Package Checksum Notes
Linux Appimage SHA1 Notes
Deb Package SHA1 Notes
Android (arm64) SHA1 Notes
Windows Zip SHA1 Notes
Mac DMG SHA1 Notes
Source Tarball SHA1 Notes
Git Repo Notes

If you enjoy using Glaxnimate consider donating.

Building from Source

See the build instructions.

Installation Notes

Linux AppImage

Make sure the AppImage is executable

chmod a+x glaxnimate-x86_64.AppImage

Running the AppImage should start Glaxnimate.

If your system doesn't support mounting user level filesystems use the following commands instead:

./glaxnimate-x86_64.AppImage --appimage-extract

Deb Package

Open the deb with your package manager and follow the instructions to install it.

Or from the command line:

sudo dpkg -i  glaxnimate.deb

Note that the deb package has a dependency to python3.10.

Windows Zip

Extract the zip and execute the file at the top level glaxnimate.vbs.

Note that the built-in zip extraction that comes with Windows is excruciatingly slow, so you are better off using 7zip or something like that.


When using Python scripting sys.stderr, sys.stdout, and print() won't work.


Sometimes the antivirus will delete random files, which will prevent glaxnimate from running (This has been observed with Norton).

If this happens, you must tell your antivirus to restore the files.

Mac dmg

You need to install the dependencies with Homebrew:

brew install python qt gcc potrace ffmpeg

Open (mount) the dmg file, then either open to run it or drag it to Applications to install it.

Developer cannot be verified

If you get an error message saying the developer isn't verified:

Incompatible Library Version

If you get an error saying "Incompatible Library Version" you might need to upgrade some of the dependencies:

brew upgrade qt

Aur Package

For the stable package:

git clone
cd glaxnimate
makepkg -rsi

For the development snapshot package

git clone
cd glaxnimate-git
makepkg -rsi


For the stable version:

snap install glaxnimate

For the testing version:

snap install --beta glaxnimate


This package is for the python module only, not for the full program.


pkg install glaxnimate


flatpak install flathub org.mattbas.Glaxnimate