
Adding Languages

To add a new translation, edit the file data/CMakeLists.txt to add the translation file in the form translations/glaxnimate_(code).ts, where (code) is a locale code (eg: en, en_US, ...).

Then run make translations for the file to be generated.

Editing Translations

To edit a translation file, you can open it with Qt Linguist, which should show context information and the string in the GUI when needed.

The translation files are under data/translations.

After a file has been edited, make translations will build the output file and the translation should be available in Glaxnimate settings.


Language Completion Translated Missing Obsolete
русский 100% 1347 0 114
English (United States) 83% 1118 221 122
English (United Kingdom) 83% 1118 221 120
español 82% 1101 238 84
italiano 74% 989 350 122
français 72% 966 373 144
中文 (简体, 中国) 72% 961 378 108
Deutsch 0% 0 1339 172